I've finally decided to sit down and take the time to post an update that is long overdue! Life has been so completely busy. I've got all of the presents wrapped, made more candy that I ever want to think about again, and nearly completed all of the preparations for Becca's wedding. I went grocery shopping this morning to stock up so I don't have to venture out again until after the holidays and Billy's surgery.
My Billy update: His femur has completely healed so the day after Christmas they are removing the upper part of his fixator and the foot ring. We are completely done with turns and expect the rest of the fixator to come off sometime in February. His appetite is completely back and he's eating me out of house and home. He's gained almost two pounds back so far and he's very excited about getting most of the fixator off. He's going to be able to bend his knee again! One set of Grandparents is getting the kids a trampoline for Christmas so he will be very excited to actually be able to use it! His surgery will be at 10:30 a.m. the 26th and he's probably going to be off of his feet for at least a few days afterward. Rehabbing will begin as soon as Dr. Aronson says that it is okay. His knee is stuck in about a 20 degree contracture so it's not going to be a pleasant journey trying to get it straightened back out. I am still so proud of my son. He is now educating people about his fixator and about his Fibular Hemimelia. He explains it as he is missing a bone in his leg and the fixator is making the short bone longer. I will post new photos as soon as Thomas brings my camera back home. I need to get it cleared off and ready for the big holiday anyway!
My Ally upate: She's very glad for school to be out for the holidays....she's devastated that they neighbors went to Florida for Christmas break and she's driving me insane wanting to go to every single one of her friend's houses to play instead of staying home and relaxing. Her grades fell a little bit in Math but oh well.......she's only in the second grade. She's waiting on Christmas and her cousins to get here!
I hope the holidays are finding everyone happy, healthy, and well. May you find Joy in this Holiday season.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
LONG overdue update
Posted by
11:56 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
My Skinny Little Son.......and the latest Update from the Doctor!
Posted by
6:12 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Newest Update!
Hi All.......I haven't posted an update in a little while so I thought I would drop a line.We went to clinic last Monday and Billy is doing so well that we get to graduate to every 2 weeks instead of weekly appts. He has started walking completely independant and was even out scooting around on a skateboard this afternoon. We have achieved 2 cms of length in his femur and have stopped turns on it. We have gain 2.5 cms on his tibia and we are continuing on for another 3.5 cms. Pin site cleanings have calmed down quite a bit and they're not getting yucky or gunky so I've gone to cleaning them every few days instead of everyday.We did have an episode of bleeding from two of his pinsites but we think he bumped it pretty hard on something. He's also completely off pain meds with the exception of every now and then. The only thing we are really struggling with now is his appetite and weight. He's lost over 5 lbs and has completely fallen off of the growth charts for his weight and height to weight ratio, so we're now giving him meds to increase his appetite, working with a nutritionist to see where we can supplement what, adding a calorie additive to his food and milk, and giving him extra vitamins.
Posted by
11:53 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
We are done with the femur!!

Posted by
5:55 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
My Baby is FIVE!!!!
Posted by
7:53 PM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Today's Doctor's Appointment

Posted by
9:33 PM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
This Week's Update! CONTROL!
Well this week has been kind of interesting. Billy has been learned that he has no control over several things in his life right now, so he is exercising his rights to control the few things that he can.....example.....eating.
Billy basically won't eat. He eats two bites of everything you put in front of him and then he's done. Or he won't eat at all. Poor kid weighs 38.2 lbs with the fixator on. He weighed 36 lbs when we checked him into the hospital. So he's probably lost about 5 lbs total so far and he looks like a scarecrow.
He has also learned to control his sleeping situation. He WON'T sleep in his bed. He claims that he cannot sleep without a tv on. The only other tv is in my room, therefore he's in my bed. I actually attempted to put him in his own bed one night this week. He went to sleep in mine, then I transfered him. He was back in my bed at 1:30 a.m.
This weeks doctor's appointment was a quickie. Everything looks great. We're doing great....see you next week. We go back in at 1:45 Monday. They will have to do a bolt changeout soon because we've just about maxed these out on length. According to the measurements on his bolts, we should have lengthened him about 17 mm in each bone or 1.7 cm. So 3.4 cm total for his whole leg. This is getting pretty exciting for me because when he stands now, his foot is almost touching the floor. As soon as we get it there, it should be just a few more days, maybe a week, I will take pictures and post them as this will be the first time in his life that his legs have been the same length.
Physical therapy has been a pain. Billy's knee is staying bent and he screams bloody murder when you straighten it out. He's walking pretty well with his walker now and scoots everywhere on his butt. He's also getting himself out of bed when I just leave him in there by himself.
I just realzied that I haven't posted anything recently about Ally. She's doing absolutely wonderful in school. She is a straight A student. Dance class started last month and from what I can see through the door when I am watching, Ally's one of the best dancers in her class. Ballet especially. I don't think Tap is going to be her thing......
Work is going well for me. I am back at Billy's school for the time being. Billy seems to like that Mom's working there, but he thinks he can command what time we go home so I just have to ignore him.
I will post any updates after his doctor's appointment on Monday!
Posted by
10:02 PM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Saturday Update
Sorry I haven't updated in a few days......Billy returned to school this week so we've been really busy....
Billy's doing really well.....He's getting alot more independant this week. Everytime I turn around he's grabbed his walker and is halfway across the room or he's scooting on his butt to where ever he wants to go. He's been quite the big boy. Pin site cleanings are still not going very well.....He still screams alot and now has his first pin site infection. I called the doctor on Thursday and they put him on antibiotics.
We tried to get him out of the house today and took him to the Monster Truck Show. He didn't really enjoy himself. After about an hour he was hollering to come home. He took a pretty bad tumble today trying to get himself off the couch and into the wheelchair so I think he was probably in alot of pain.. We brought him home at intermission and he was completely passed out before we made it out of Fort Smith.
We go back to the doctor on Monday so I will post another update after we get home!
Posted by
10:45 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Weekly Doctor's Appointment
Posted by
5:44 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
20 STEPS!!!
I am so extremely proud of my son today! He went to physical therapy at school and actually decided that he was going to walk today! He told his therapist that he was going to take 20 steps. Well he actually did a push the walker and hop thing, but the fact is that he got motivated enough to try getting up and around himself! I am sincerely hoping that he decides to walk on his own soon, cuz my back is killing me from lifting him (50 lbs of him vs 113 lbs of me!).
On a little more depressing note, we're not sure if he's trying to get sick or get a pin site infection, but he ran a 99.8 fever last night. I'm hoping that it was just from not being well hydrated but I'm going to have to watch him closely over the next few days.
Posted by
3:41 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
One Week Update
One week after surgery and Billy is doing fantastic. He slept all the way through the night without waking up for pain meds. He still isn't eating very well, just mainly snacking so I'm going to start him on some Carnation Instant Breakfast and some Vitamins, so I can make sure that he's getting proper nutrition. He had his first formal physical therapy session today and did absolutely fantastic. There were no screaming fits, and he stood on his leg for almost 8 minutes with his walker. We're going back for another PT session on Friday. We started lengthening yesterday. Billy tolerates it very well as long as he gets to turn his one pin that he is assigned to. We've now lengthening 2 mms. After today we will only have 86 mm to go. The only thing he is not tolerating well is the pin site cleanings and it requires me and Thomas to both do it. Thomas holds his arms and other leg while I do the cleaning. So far it has involved a lot of screaming. If I can get him to stand tomorrow, I will try to take a picture of him standing to post it! Thanks for all of the continued support!
Posted by
4:38 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
Doctor's Appointment, The Dressings Are Off
Posted by
7:18 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Friday Update
Posted by
11:58 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Update to Billy's surgery
Well Billy's surgery went very well. They didn't get started until 8:45 a.m. and got done at 12:45 a.m. They have decided that we are going to try to lengthen him 70 mm or 7 cms. This is a little overlengthening, but it will get his little leg ahead of the other one so it will take longer for it to get behind. Billy has amazed me. He has just been a little trooper. His main complaints right now are the pulse ox moniter on his big toe and not being able to bend his knee. He wants to get up and walk already, but we will be doing that tomorrow. We've already met his physical therapist here, who is his current therapist's at Kids Firsts niece. Kim was awesome and put in a special request without me even knowing! He's getting x-rays first thing in the morning and then he'll go to therapy. I will try to post more tomorrow. I probably won't be able to post pictures til we get home because so far I'm not finding a computer with a card reader! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!
Posted by
7:16 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Surgery time!
Well Billy's surgery is scheduled for 7:30 a.m. so we get to get up at the lovely hour of 2 a.m. to drive to Little Rock. We won't be back til Friday or Saturday. I will try to get online in the family connection center to post updates, but it will mainly depend on how he's doing and if he will let me get out of his sight. I probably won't be able to post any pictures until we get home.
Posted by
12:05 PM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Billy's Tour of the Hospital!
Well we went to the hospital yesterday for Billy's pre-admission tour. We met a really nice lady named Crystal who led us around (like we haven't been there before). All Billy really seemed to care about were the bubble guns in her office and the Foozball table in the playroom on the ward where we'll be staying while he's in. Even though he really didn't care about the tour, I think this is all starting to sink in with him. She showed him a doll with a fixator on and he asked Why the Metal Pins were going into the dolls leg. so we got the lovely task of explaining that the pins were going to go into his leg also.....I think he's getting it but I am not really sure. He's been throwing a lot more temper tantrums and having more potty accidents lately. I'm hoping its just anxiety and not another of his bad behavioral phases. We have unfortunately had to stop his anti-inflammatory medicine because it can slow bone growth. So maybe this is all just pain from his knee. It was a very long car ride.....It's definitely going to take some getting used to going up there every week.
Last Friday was my last day at work, but now I'm looking at going back to my job at the real estate office a couple days a week, just to help out around here with the bills.
We got Billy's pictures taken on Sunday. They turned out really cute. So far they aren't available online, I'm hoping I'll get them in the next few days. There are a couple of shots that will definitely be blackmail pictures when he gets older. The lady who took the pictures was really good. She actually let Billy be himself and captured the "real" him in the pics.
I think thats about it that's going on in our lives right now! Oh, I got new glasses ordered today! I'll post pictures when I actually get them in!
Posted by
5:50 PM
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Welcome to Billy's Blog!
As most of you know, we will soon be heading to Arkansas Children's Hospital for Billy's first Ilizarov Limb Lengthening. Every week (probably after his appointments) I will try to post his progress and keep everybody updated on how he is doing. We are going to attempt to lengthen his leg two inches. This will take approximately 6 months (give or take)......I am finishing up my last week at work and I will be staying at home so I can be at Billy's beck and call (and I'm sure he'll be calling alot!)....
His surgery date is September the 12th. We head to Little Rock next week for a preadmission appointment which is basically just a tour, where they'll show Billy around the hospital and explain a little about what's going to be happening. They even have a Cabbage Patch doll with an Ilizarov fixator on that they're going to show him.
I think I'm pretty much prepared at the house for this.......I've bought him plenty of basketball shorts to wear (so it'll go over the fixator). I've still got to sew velcro into his undies so we can detach it on his surgery side, and I also have to get him a bean bag........Well, maybe I'm not as ready at home as I thought.
This weekend we are going to take the kids to the local fair and I hope Billy can have a good time at it. We'll miss the big state fair this year. I'm going to take him this weekend to get pictures made also, so that I can have some memories of his little leg before surgery.
I'll try to post the proofs after we get them done!
I'll post more later.
Posted by
4:15 PM
Missing Parts
God looked down, another child complete,
A smile so perfect, a temper so sweet.
But baby looked and some parts were gone,
Did God mess up and make me wrong?
God just looked at this perfect child,
He explained Himself as He just smiled.
"If I'd taken time to make that part,
you wouldn't be such a work of art."
I would not have had time to make that smile,
To list your talents would last a mile.
Your sense of humor, that belly laugh,
Where are these parts, you have to ask?
You are so lucky, these gifts of gold,
Those missing parts are mine to hold.
Forever they'll be, close to my heart,
So as you live, we are never apart.
Each time I move, you'll be on my mind,
You special child, you are quite the find!
So do not miss that part, you see,
It will always be safe and sound with me."
Posted by
4:11 PM